Mokhira Asadova is a native of Tashkent, Uzbekistan and is one of the most wanted musicians in her country. Mokhira is considered the „Shooting Star“ in Uzbekistan and performs at all festivals, at the world famous Bolshoi Theatre and at the national independence day festivities. She can be heard daily on radio stations around the country.
Her career started at the music conservatory in Taschkent, where she first gained experience by performing traditional music. She began to appreciate her own culture after being taught to sing and play the traditional Uzbek 2string instrument, the Dutar, and she very much enjoyed the old folksongs from the ancient time of Timurlenk the great ruler of the enormous empire, with its capital Samarkand in Central Asia. The second step of her musical education was learning to sing the traditional Makom style. Makom singing, described by Safiaddin as a solo vocal and instrumental musical form, which goes as far back as the 13th century, when bards travelled throughout the country, spreading news and informing people about the latest happenings. Today, Mokhira is the most famous MakomSinger in Uzbekistan and a World Music star. She masters more than 500 Makom songs, of which one „Adol Tanovar“ is on her debut album „GALING GALING“, her first production with western music elements. The encounter of traditional Uzbek folksongs and western pop culture was a big challenge for Mokhira. It is a very exciting experience to hear how she blends her soft oriental voice into the western rhythms. The songs on her new album give the listener the feeling that it is no problem to unite two such different music cultures. Songs such as „Galing Galing“, „Yetmasmu“ and „Yulimiz Boshka“ involving Hip Hop grooves, slip into a new dimension by means of this symbiosis.
During her concerts, she skillfully unites the traditional Makom song culture with new pop elements. Her public appearances in Uzbekistan, Kasakhstan, Malaysia, Thailand and Turkey are always a fascinating experience. Her band members, all coming from Uzbekistan, are, on one hand, the rhythmic group consisting of drums, Doira (a traditional Uzbek percussion instrument), Tarabuka, various percussion instruments, Kairoks (stones) and, on the other hand, string instruments such as the Dutar, the Turkish Saz, Tanbur, bass, keyboards and vocals. A further supplement to her live gigs are the dancers in traditional costumes performing AsianOriental dance culture. Together with Mokhira, they turn the concert into an „Arabien Nights“ experience. Exotic charm, musical variety, grace and temperament are the aspects Mokhira emphasizes in her songs.
The producer Lenny Mac Dowell brings in the experience he has had with production of previous albums. Together with the Japanese musician and producer Jario Lee and the musicians from Uzbekistan, the complete album was recorded and produced in Germany.
Mac Dowell: „GALING GALING (Come to me), prooves how World Music can be produced today without losing the authentic charachteristics of the traditional elements. Mokhira has brought her ethnic musical background to an international level of understanding. I am sure, that she will continue her successful career in Europe and the USA.“