Christoph Spendel Group – Avenue E
„Music Between The Americas And Europe“
The basic idea for the new edition of the Christoph Spendel Group – CSG – came after the return from our summer vacation in 2019 with my family on „Fuerteventura“ while watching the „Canary Skies“ from the plane. Within a few days those two compositions as well as a few other new songs and sketches came to life. The first new CSG started with rehearsals and a few concerts around town before being put on hold by the unpredictable Corona lockdown. But life went on with a new lineup.
I met bassist Thomas Heidepriem in the seventies while touring with guitarist Michael Sagmeister and shortly after that Peter Klohman and Martin Standke – two burning musicians from the Frankfurt scene – were born, and luckily everyone of these guys was available at the time of my call. Lots of rehearsals established the new music and a performance form, we never ever dreamed about: stream concerts without audience. And we did lots of them around Germany, since they became a new reality.
Please meet my family on „Tamara´s Smile“ and „Luca By Sunlight“ as well as my trips to „Tampa Bay“ in Florida and „Morton Island“ in the Pacific Ocean, east of Australia.
Unfortunately a lot of great musicians have left us in recent months. One of them, the great pianist and keyboardist Lyle Mays. „Amaysing Colours“ is dedicated to and inspired by him.
With additional new and old compositions of mine we started the recording session and later the mixing procedure in our studios around Frankfurt.
The music is generated by the musicians and destined for listeners, who are openly interested in Pop, Latin, Classical and of course Jazz, somewhere
During the lockdown we could sometimes hardly leave our residential areas.